Moorgate Catering Company
Exceptional Quality Buffets
Sit Down Dinner Menu 2024
Chicken & Duck with Red Onion Marmalade Terrine served with Toasted Brown Bread
served with a dressed mixed leaf salad
Homemade Tomato & Basil Soup served with Crusty Bread
Chicken Caesar Salad
Roast Australian Topside of Beef with Caramelised Shallots & Port Gravy
Honey Glazed Gammon Ham with a Creamy Wholegrain Mustard Sauce
Three Cheese & Red Onion Vegetable Bake (v)
Pan Fried Chicken Breast served in a Tarragon Sauce
(All main meals are served with a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables, & potatoes)
Apple Tarte Tartin
Summer Berries Cheesecake
Indulgent Chocolate Fudge Cake
(Served with Pouring Cream)
Cheese & Biscuits
Coffee with after dinner mints
Please choose 1 from each course to devise your bespoke Menu
Moorgate Catering reserve the right to alter the Menu from time to time due to availability